Various Artists - Bar25 // Zeitgeist Vol. 3

23.11.2018 Bar 25 Music BAR25084DL
The successful Bar25 cinema film compilation series 'Zeitgeist' continues into its third round. With a colorful collection of melodic Techno and groovy House music, the feeling of the Bar25, a place where day, night, space and time were irrelevant, lives on. Waiting for you are once again some well-known as well as new artists of the label with mainly exclusively produced tracks. Atmospheric club sound beyond the usual genre, multifaceted and timeless, as we are accustomed to hearing from the Bar25 label. Featured this time around are David August, René Bourgeois, Jiggler, Benno Blome, Nu & Alejandro Castelli, Gheist, Niconé, Francesca Lombardo, Vom Feisten, Bondi, Tone of Arc, David Keno, Stavroz, Dole & Kom, Dka, Bardia Salour, Dachshund, Stavroz, Viken Arman, Armen Miran & Hraach and Acid Pauli. Play it - feel it - dance!
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